An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map, Being a Part of Section 5.10.2 of Chapter 55 of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor, Zoning of 6.4 Acres from C1A/R With Conditions (Campus Business Residential District) to C1A/R With Conditions As Amended (Campus Business Residential District), 1140 Broadway/Beekman on Broadway Rezoning (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 9 Yeas and 0 Nays) (ORD-23-19)
Approval of this ordinance will accept an offer to revise the conditions of approval by eliminating the limitation to only construct the originally approved buildings.
This 6.4-acre site was rezoned on December 4, 2017, from Broadway Village PUD (Planned Unit Development) to C1A/R (Campus Business Residential) With Conditions to limit the maximum height to 100 feet and 8 stories with further restrictions of maximum 60 feet and 4 stories within a defined area near Traver Creek on the north side of the district. It was rezoned again on September 4, 2017, to C1A/R (Campus Business Residential) with Amended Conditions to reduce the general height limit to 91 feet and 7 stories (with same further restrictions in the vicinity of Traver Cree) and include an additional condition that the property shall only be developed as the 1140 Broadway Planned Project Site Plan with any subsequent administrative amendments.
The applicant is requesting to amend the Conditions to withdraw and remove the condition that the property shall only be developed as the 1140 Broadway Planned Project Site Plan. Accepting this offer will enable the applicant to develop a similar building as the originally approved Building B of the 1140 Broadway Planned Project Site Plan, but with changes that exceed the threshold for administrative approval. To date, Buildings A and C of the 1140 Broadway Planned Project Site Plan have been constructed.
The City Planning Commission determined at its meeting of May 2, 2023, there was no compelling reason to reject the applicant’s offer to amend the Conditional Zoning Statement of Conditions for the 1140 Broadway/Beekman on Broadway C1A/R (Campus Business Residential) With Conditions district as two of the three contemplated buildings have been constructed, largely satisfying the intent of the condition; the new offer will enable significantly more dwelling units to be constructed within approximately the same approved building mass; and future development or redevelopment in the district will still be in keeping with the desired outcomes because the conditions to reduce maximum building height will remain.
Attachments: May 2, 2023 Planning Staff Report
May 2, 2023 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared by: Alexis DiLeo, City Planner
Reviewed by: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)