An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Zoning), Rezoning of 1.2 Acres from R4C (Multiple-Family Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District), 721 South Forest PUD Zoning and Supplemental Regulations, 721 South Forest (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 6 Yeas and 2 Nays) (ORD-23-15)
Approval of this ordinance will zone this property PUD (Planned Unit Development) to permit a 166-foot-tall structure containing 228 residential units and 733 bedrooms. The units provided will be a mix of studio, one through six bedrooms. The building proposes a rooftop pool and amenity area for residents. There will be 98 vehicle parking spaces provided on site. The PUD regulations require a minimum of 15% of the total units be dedicated as affordable or a contribution in lieu of units. Petitioner has chosen to provide a cash in lieu payment of $4,700,000, required amount is $4,601,318. The PUD regulations allow residential and a small retail space of less than 5,000 square feet. The ordinance also requires sustainability features such as an all-electric building, LEED Silver and other sustainable items outlined in the supplemental regulations.
Approval of this ordinance will also create supplemental regulations for the new PUD district. Supplemental regulations create the standards and requirements, as well as regulating the uses, for the corresponding PUD District.
Petition Summary:
• A concept plan, or site plan is required when an amendment to the City Zoning Map is proposed [Chapter 55 5.29.7]. In this case, the petitioner has proposed amending the City Zoning Map from R4C(Multiple-Family) to PUD, Planned Unit Development District with a site plan. The site plan will be presented for approval with the second reading of the zoning.
• The site plan proposes a 12 story, 166-foot-tall structure containing 228 residential units and 733 bedrooms. The units provided will be a mix of studio, one through six bedrooms. The building proposes a rooftop pool and amenity area for residents. There will be 98 vehicle parking spaces provided within the building and small surface parking area. Regulations permit a retail space with a maximum size of 5,000 square feet.
• The supplemental regulations created for the site require a project containing a minimum 15% of the total residential units be dedicated as affordable or a contribution in lieu of units. Petitioner has chosen to provide a cash in lieu payment of $4,700,000, required amount is $4,601,318. The regulations permit residential, with maximum 5,000 sf retail in additional to all permitted and accessory uses and Special Exception Uses (subject to SEU standards) as permitted in the adjacent R4C(Multiple-Family) Zoning District. The entire site will have a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 650%.
• The PUD will provide additional support of homeless households through a required contribution of $50,000 to the Ann Arbor Housing Development Corporation 501c(3) to be used for sustainability upgrades to existing or proposed AAHDC properties located in the Central Area.
• The supplemental regulations for the site outline public benefits proposed through the following required sustainability features:
o Building shall have no natural gas connection, except for backup generator.
o Structure shall be constructed to LEED Silver standard or higher. Prior to issuance of a Certificates of Occupancy the owner shall either have the buildings certified by the USGBC, the project architect or provide some other evidence acceptable to the City demonstration indicating that the structures meet or exceed the LEED Silver standard.
o Project shall purchase 100% Renewable Energy Certificates Offsets representing green energy for 100% of the building’s energy consumption for 10 Years.
o Thermal Bridge Free Exterior. Key tenants of passive house principles are continuous insulation and thermal bridge free construction. This Project utilizes a STO (or equal) thermal bridge free exterior insulation and finish system. Integration of this system will double the average code required insulation on the façade from R7.5 to R15 where used, improving the thermal performance of the building and reducing energy usage for heating and cooling.
o Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. Project will include twenty-six (26) EV-i (installed) charging stalls. Twenty-four (24) EV-i stalls will be located in the parking structure and two (2) EV-i stalls will be located at the ground level surface parking. The remaining spaces for the Project will be EV-C (capable).
• Chapter Five (Land Use) of the Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element designates the future land use for this site as Single and Two Family/Group Housing.
• The rezoning of this parcel from R4C to PUD zoning accomplishes many goals identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan and supporting documents:
o Increased sustainability of new buildings
o Affordable Housing contribution
o Increased residential housing options.
• Sustainability and affordable housing goals are prominent goals of the City identified in different studies and plans. Chapter Five, Subsection II.G, Redevelopment, contains guidance for redevelopment projects in the Central Area(not within the DDA district):
§ Many opportunities exist to redevelop sites in the City of Ann Arbor, including commercial, industrial, office and residential properties that have already been built upon. Redevelopment might take the form of building additions or demolition and construction. Projects that propose to redevelop sites should be done in a manner that is consistent with the goals and objectives of this plan that apply to developing vacant sites. Properties should be redeveloped in a manner that considers impacts to surrounding properties and transportation systems. Attempts should be made to provide appropriate building scale and material to ensure that the project interacts well with surrounding uses.
• Chapter Five (Land Use) also describes Land Use Goals, Objectives and Action Statements the 721 South Forest Ann Arbor petition addresses the objectives/goals identified:
§ Locate higher residential densities near mass transit routes and in proximity to commercial, employment and activity centers
The Planning Commission raised the following issues, which were addressed by the petitioner and staff as described:
• Clarification added to the PUD Supplemental Regulations of the upper story setback at northeast corner in order to ensure building form as shown on the site plan. This is in support of the mature tree canopy on the site adjacent to the north.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of March 21, 2023, recommended approval of this request.
Attachments: 040623 Supplemental Regulations
032123 Planning Staff Report
032123 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Matt Kowalski, City Planner
Reviewed By: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved By: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)