Resolution to Approve the Village of Ann Arbor - 1680 Dhu Varren Road Redevelopment Brownfield Plan (BRC Recommendation: Approval - 4 Yeas and 0 Nays)
The proposed resolution would approve the Village of Ann Arbor - 1680 Dhu Varren Road Redevelopment Brownfield Plan. Approval of this resolution will allow the Brownfield Plan to advance to the Washtenaw County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority and Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners, to authorize Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to reimburse the developer and City of Ann Arbor for eligible activities, support of the Local Site Remediation Revolving Fund (LSRRF), and administrative support to the Washtenaw County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
The Brownfield Review Committee, at its meeting of January 6, 2023, reviewed the Brownfield Plan, and accepted staff recommendations with the additional following modifications:
* All homes, rental or for sale, shall be constructed with the appropriate electrical supply to enable future conversion from gas to electric heat systems.
The attached Brownfield Plan dated January 30, 2023, incorporates all the recommended modification by staff and period of capture. The proposed Brownfield Plan identifies:
* The site is eligible for brownfield assistance through its designation as a "facility" as defined by the State of Michigan, particularly for the presence of methane at levels greater than State-established criteria. The site was previously utilized as a landfill during the middle of the 20th century.
* The Brownfield Plan would reimburse the developer for environmental-related activities totaling $26,369,633 including: Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) Activities; Due Care Activities; other Response Activities; Brownfield and Work Plan Preparation and Implementation; Interest; and 15% in Contingency Costs.
* The Brownfield Plan would reimburse the development for $5,000,082 of non-environmental activities, including: Infrastructure Improv...
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