Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 3 to the License and Services Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc., Amend the FY23 Budget, and Appropriate Necessary Funds ($169,764.00) (8 Votes Required)
The City has contracted with Tyler Technologies, Inc. to provide an enterprise land management and permitting software as a replacement for our existing TRAKiT and eTRAKit system in the License and Services Agreement dated July 3, 2019 (the Agreement).
Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement is for the purpose of securing additional user licenses, service hours, and post-implementation support from Tyler Technologies, Inc.
The project team anticipates the need for additional user licenses for new hires and expanded use throughout the organization as cross-functional team interest increases. Service hours are also needed to aide in the deployment of major updates and custom reports requested by staff. Post-implementation support hours are requested of the vendor based on the organization's need to redefine the system for community interface and internal operations.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The City's project team is requesting to amend the FY23 budget for the Construction Code Fund by $169,764.00.
This total reflects Tyler Technologies, Inc.'s quote for service hours and licenses of $111,470.00, a quote for post-implementation support hours of $30,000, and a 20% contingency.
Prepared by: Lisha Turner-Tolbert, Building and Rental Services Manager
Reviewed by: Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The City project team for the new land management and permitting software has requested additional services hours, user licenses and post-implementation support not covered in the current contract;
Whereas, The City wishes to amend its existing contract with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for additional service hours, user licenses, and post-implementation support to define the syst...
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