Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Fonson Company, Inc. ($892,109.00), Approve a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with the Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development ($676,000.00) and Appropriate $1,227,889.00 in Contributing Funds for the Russell Street Improvements Project (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract between the City of Ann Arbor and Fonson Company, Inc. in the amount of $892,109.00 (RFP 22-50) and to authorize an agreement with the Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED) for the Russell Street Improvements Project.
Russell Street is a 475-foot long gravel road extending from South Maple Road west and dead ending at South Maple Park. In the Fall of 2019, the Ann Arbor Housing Commission reached out to Engineering staff regarding concerns of storm runoff from Russell Street onto their Maple Meadows property at 800 South Maple. After investigating the issue, it was determined that the only way to adequately control the stormwater runoff in the long term would be to pave the street and provide curb and gutter.
The City of Ann Arbor, as a member of the Washtenaw Urban County, receives an annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation determined by a formula that is applied to the Urban County's overall grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Each year, an Annual Action Plan is prepared by OCED to outline the activities to be carried out using the HUD grant funds. The 2020, 2021, and 2022 Annual Action Plans each included a portion of Ann Arbor's annual CDBG allocation to fund eligible construction costs for the Russell Street paving project; the Urban County Executive Committee approved the 2020, 2021, and 2022 Annual Action Plans, respectively, on May 6, 2020, May 5, 2021, and June 1, 2022. The County Board of Commissioners subsequently approved these An...
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