Resolution to Adopt the FY2023 City Council Legislative Policy Agenda
The City Council Legislative Policy Agenda is a document that serves as a statement of values for the City of Ann Arbor and provides policy guidance for city leaders when engaging with state and federal policymakers. This year, with the guidance of Dykema and at the direction of the Council Policy Agenda Committee, the document has been reformatted to indicate high priority and medium priority legislative and administrative lobbying actions to orient staff toward specific objectives. In addition, the document still contains a full statement of values from the City and provides direction to pursue lobbying efforts in support of a wide array of issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, gun control, and climate change.
The prioritization of issues in this document will serve as the basis of performance reporting back to the Council Policy Agenda Committee and as the basis for the formal evaluation of the City’s lobbying efforts.
Prepared by: John Fournier, Assistant City Administrator
Reviewed and Approved by: Council Policy Agenda Committee
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor is positioned to exercise influence over the adoption of policies and direction of funds at the state and federal level that may have a significant impact on the quality of life of our citizens;
Whereas, The City’s efforts to influence these policies are much more effective when they are coordinated, when our city’s leadership and communication are strategically aligned, and when we work together and in common purpose; and
Whereas, The Council Policy Agenda Committee carefully drafted the document to prioritize its efforts and reflect its intentions;
RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Ann Arbor hereby adopts the FY2023 Ann Arbor City Council Policy Agenda and directs the City Administrator to pursue its ends.
Sponsored by: Council Policy Agenda Committee