Resolution to Accept and Appropriate a Sub-Award of Federal Grant Funds ($374,738.00) from the University of Michigan for the Smart Intersections: Paving the Way for a National CAV Deployment Project ($487,121.00) (8 Votes Required)
This resolution recommends the approval of a sub-award of Federal grant funds from the United States Department of Transportation ("USDOT"), through the University of Michigan (the pass-through entity), for the Smart Intersections: Paving the Way for a National CAV (connected and automated vehicles) Project for the City of Ann Arbor's work in support of the project.
The Project was awarded to the University of Michigan under the USDOT's Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) initiative to deploy technologies and related strategies to address issues and challenges in safety, mobility, sustainability, economic vitality and air quality. The Project proposes to deploy a network of smart intersections in the City to enable equipped vehicles and infrastructure to interact in a connected environment using state of the art technology. Using the deployment as a model, the Project team will develop an implementation guide for local jurisdictions and accelerate the national deployment of CAVs. The total Project cost is $19.9 million, including $9.95 million in Federal grant monies and $9.96 million in contributions by Project recipients.
The University of Michigan has asked the City of Ann Arbor to participate in the Project as a partner and a sub-recipient of the University's federal grant from the USDOT for a sub-award of $374,738.00 from the University. City Council approved the City's previous participation in the research efforts of connected and automated vehicles via Resolutions R-13-127, R-15-313, R-18-492, R-19-247 and R-21-052. The University of Michigan requests the continued support of the City of Ann Arbor in the research and expansion of the testing environment unde...
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