Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Perceptive Controls, Inc. for the Tertiary Filter Programmable Logic Controller Replacement Project at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, RFP No. 22-14 ($272,750.00)
Your approval is requested to approve a professional services agreement with Perceptive Controls, Inc. in the amount of $272,750.00 for the Tertiary Filter Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Replacement Project at the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).
The WWTP has a Process Information & Control System (PICS) to monitor and control treatment processes by computer throughout the plant. As part of the PICS, PLCs are used operate and control twelve sand filters used for tertiary treatment of the water. The four PLC panels in the Tertiary Filter Building were installed prior to 1999 and the existing PLCs are Allen-Bradley Model PLC 5/40E, which are now obsolete and expensive to maintain.
This project will replace the four existing PLCs and associated Input/Output (IO) modules, IO racks, terminal blocks and cabling system connected to the existing IO module. This work also includes programming the new PLCs utilizing the current PICS programming standard, and modifying or recreating tertiary treatment process screens, alarms and data logging to the existing Historian server.
In response to RFP No. 22-14, the City received five proposals which were publicly opened on March 3, 2022. Each of the proposals was evaluated based on the selection criteria listed in the RFP. The selection committee selected the top three firms and opened their fee proposals. The ranking of the top three firms following evaluations, including fee proposals, are as follows:
1. Perceptive Controls, Inc. $272,750.00
2. Commerce Controls, Inc. $307,006.00
3. Windemuller Electric, Inc. $299,975.00
WWTP staff reviewed the proposals, compared them to RFP No. 22-14 specifications and recommends that Perceptive Controls, Inc. be approved as the most qualified proposer for the Tertiary Filter PLC Replacement Project.
WWTP staff is requesting your approval of a professional services agreement with Perceptive Controls, Inc. in the amount of $272,750.00 for the Tertiary PLC Replacement Project and to approve a contingency in the amount of $28,000.00 to fund additional necessary services as approved by the City Administrator.
Perceptive Controls, Inc. complies with the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Total estimated project costs are $375,000.00 for the Tertiary Filter Programmable Logic Controller Replacement Project (UT-SN-23-01). Funds for this project are included in the approved Sewage Disposal System Capital Budget.
Prepared by: Christopher J. Englert, P.E., WWT Services Engineer
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, P.E., Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., Interim City Administrator
Whereas, The City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) uses Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) to monitor and control the tertiary treatment process prior to disinfection and discharge of clean water into the Huron River;
Whereas, The tertiary treatment PLCs have been in service since 1999 and are nearing the end of their useful life;
Whereas, On March 3, 2022, five proposals were received in response to RFP No. 22-14 to construct the Tertiary PLC Replacement Project and based on review of these proposals WWTP staff recommends Perceptive Controls, Inc. as the most qualified proposer for this work in the amount of $272,750.00;
Whereas, Sufficient funds for this contract are included in the approved Sewage Disposal System Capital Budget; and
Whereas, Perceptive Controls, Inc. complies with the requirements of the City’s Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances;
Resolved, That City Council approve a Professional Services Agreement with Perceptive Controls, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $272,750.00 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Filter Programmable Logic Controller Replacement Project (RFP 22-14);
RESOLVED, That a contingency amount of $28,000.00 be established within the project budget and that the City Administrator be authorized to approve change orders to the contract not to exceed that amount, in order to satisfactorily complete this Project;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the
City Attorney;
RESOLVED, That the City make the following declaration for the purpose of complying with the reimbursement rules of Treasury Regulations 1.150-2 pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended: that the City reasonably expects to reimburse itself for expenditures for the costs of the Project with proceeds of Bonds; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary actions to implement this resolution.