Resolution Approving Amendment 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Harper Electric, Inc. for On-Call City Electrical Services (Not to Exceed $525,000.00)
The City is in year three of a four year on-call contract with Harper Electric to provide electrical support for City projects dated July 25, 2019 which runs through June 30, 2023 and has an annual, not to exceed amount of $75,000.00. As the City has been scaling up its electric vehicle charging infrastructure and preparing facilities for transition to electric, the demands for electrical support have grown.
On December 7, 2020, City Council approved resolution #20-451 which amended the contract with Harper Electric for FY21 to provide a not to exceed amount of $275,000.00 for FY21 and a not to exceed amount of $500,000.00 over the life of the contract. This amendment was an increase of $200,000.00 over the original contract amount to cover the installation of four direct current fast chargers (DCFC) at City Hall ($123,000.00) through the Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) and 14 level 2 chargers at 2000 S. Industrial ($77,000.00) through Fleet Services.
Each of these projects was started in FY21 but delayed due to planning and installation issues with the electric utility provider, and in the case of 2000 S. Industrial, an unknown and abandoned underground heating oil tank that stopped work. Because of these delays, the unused FY21 funding and the purchase order authorization was moved to FY22, as approved by Council via resolution #21-292.
As the City continues to work to electrify its fleet and to increase public charging options, two opportunities have emerged which necessitate an amendment to the Harper Electric contract. The first is the installation of 80 additional public electric vehicle chargers in the downtown area. This would more than triple the number of existing public chargers (taking the total from 30 ports to 110 ports). The second opportunity relat...
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