Resolution to Approve Purchase of Storage Area Network (SAN) from CDW Government, LLC with Related Financing Through Pure Storage Finance ($844,598.00)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of hardware, support, professional services and training for the implementation of a replacement Storage Area Network (SAN) from CDW Government, LLC ("CDW").
The attached resolution also seeks approval of a finance lease agreement with Pure Storage Finance to finance the SAN purchase from CDW, payable to Pure Storage Finance in five annual installments for FY2022 - FY2026 in the amount of $168,919.60 each fiscal year, totaling $844,598.00, in accordance with CDW's attached quote. At the conclusion of the lease, the City of Ann Arbor ("the City") will own the SAN."
The City's existing SAN has reached its end of life and support and requires replacement. City hosted servers all rely on this technology for storage.
A Request for Proposal (RFP #21-03) was advertised on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network as well as the City's Purchasing website. Through the course of RFP review and due diligence, 6 of 10 respondents were eliminated by the evaluation committee. Fee proposals were reviewed for 4 respondents, which further eliminated down to 2 finalists to present final proposals to the evaluation committee. Staff evaluated the finalists and selected CDW who proposed a Pure Storage SAN.
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While CDW was not the lowest-cost respondent, staff believes that CDW's proposal to use the Pure Storage SAN offered the solution that best meets the City's needs, will provide a long term lower cost of ownership, better performance, reliability and overall experience for the City and recommends CDW and Pure Storage.
The City has already entered into a Product Sales and Service Projects Agreement with CDW Government LLC dated May 8, 2018 as amended by...
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