Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Davey Resource Group, Inc. for the 2021 Urban & Community Forest Management Plan Update ($113,000.00) and to Appropriate the General Fund Project Share ($11,300.00) (8 Votes Required)
Your approval is requested to authorize a Professional Services Agreement with the Davey Resource Group, Inc. in the amount of $113,000.00 for the 2021 Urban & Community Forest Management Plan Update (UCFMP). The goal of this project is to update the 2014 Urban & Community Forest Management Plan.
In 2014, the City Council adopted the City’s first comprehensive urban forest management plan. The 5-year management plan is a vital tool for planning and managing the City’s street trees. Ann Arbor’s urban forest is made up of the trees, shrubs, and woody vegetation growing along city streets, in parks, and on institutional and private property. It is a defining and valued characteristic of the City that residents affectionately call “Tree Town,” helping make it a desirable place to live, work, and play. Trees provide many environmental, social and economic benefits to the city including, decreasing the quantity of stormwater runoff and improving the quality of the run-off that reaches local lakes and streams.
The City received one proposal in response to the RFP #21-11. The proposal was evaluated by a committee, which included the Chairs of the Natural Features Committee and the Elizabeth Dean Fund Committee. Davey Resource Group, Inc. (DRG) is recommended because of their extensive experience in authoring urban forest management plans, their staff’s professional and technical knowledge and certifications, and knowledge of Ann Arbor’s urban forest.
While most of the focus of the urban forest management plan is the City’s street trees, park trees and private trees will be looked at when looking at the whole urban forest when updating Urban Tree Canopy Cover goals, tree planting initiative, and forest health. For this reason, The Parks Maintenance and Capital Repair Millage Fund and the General Fund will each contribute 10%, $11,300.00, of the costs of the management plan update. The Stormwater Fund will cover the other 80%, $90,400.00, of the project costs.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The total cost of the plan update is $113,000.00. Funding is available in the approved FY22 Stormwater Sewer System Fund ($90,400.00), Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage Fund ($11,300.00) Operations and Maintenance Budgets. The General Fund portion was not included in the approved FY 22 Budget; therefore, an Appropriation ($11,300.00) is necessary.
Prepared by: Tiffany Giacobazzi, Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Planning Coordinator
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Manager
Craig Hupy, Public Services Administrator
Approved by: John Fournier, Acting City Administrator
Whereas, Public Services staff have identified a need to conduct a comprehensive urban and community forest management plan update;
Whereas, RFP #21-11, stating the objectives and criteria for this project, was responded to by one firm with a proposal;
Whereas, Davey Resource Group, Inc., is recommended because of their extensive experience in conducting authoring urban forest management plans, their staff’s professional and technical knowledge and certifications, and knowledge of Ann Arbor’s urban forest;
Whereas, Funds are available in the approved FY22 Stormwater Sewer System Fund and the FY22 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage Operations and Maintenance Budget; and
Whereas, The General Fund contribution to the project was not included in the FY 22 Approved Budget;
RESOLVED, That City Council approves the Professional Services Agreement with Davey Resource Group, Inc., for updating the urban and community forest management plan in the amount of $113,000.00;
RESOLVED, That $11,300.00 be Appropriated from the General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance; thereby, increasing the FY 22 General Fund Operations and Maintenance Budget;
RESOLVED, That City Council approves $11,300.00 in contingency funding to authorize change orders necessary for the completion of the management plan update subject to City Administrator approval;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said agreement after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney;
RESOLVED, That the amounts authorized herein may be used without regard to fiscal year; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this resolution including execution of any authorized renewals and any changes or amendments that do not exceed the contingency amount.