Resolution to Amend the Fleet and Facility Unit FY 2022 Budget by Appropriating Funds in the Amount of $152,500.00 and to Authorize the Purchase of a 2022 Mini Walk Around Rescue Apparatus from Spencer Manufacturing Inc. (Pennsylvania COSTARS Purchasing Agreement - $145,096.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of one 2022 Spencer Mini Walk Around Rescue Apparatus at a cost of $145,096.00 through the Pennsylvania COSTARS (COSTARS) cooperative purchasing program (contract #COSTARS-13) for use by the Safety Services Area, Fire Department Unit.
This fire apparatus will replace a 2014 GMC Sierra (#1055) when placed into service in late 2022. Unit #1055 is operated as a light rescue unit by the City and currently has 2,269 hours of service.
Spencer Manufacturing, South Haven, Michigan was awarded Contract Number 13 by the COSTARS cooperative purchasing program for emergency responder vehicles. The City's purchasing unit has reviewed the COSTARS cooperative purchasing program and found that it meets the requirements of the City of Ann Arbor for competitive and fair purchasing.
The resolution includes an approximately 5% build contingency of $7,404.00 to cover potential change orders during fabrication to be approved by the City Administrator if necessary.
Spencer Manufacturing Inc. complies with the requirements of the City's Conflict of Interest, Living Wage and Non-Discrimination ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for this purchase is provided by the annual replacement costs paid to the Fleet Fund by the Fire Department; however, this purchase was not anticipated and included in the approved FY22 Fleet Services Operations and Maintenance Budget; therefore, requiring a budget amendment.
Green Fleet Policy: On August 11, 2021, the Green Fleet Committee approved the need for the replacement of this vehicle, that the proposed replacement is consistent with the Green Fleet Policy and recommended the ...
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