Resolution to Approve the June 24, 2021 Recommendation of the Board of Insurance Administration to Deny the Claim and Subsequent Appeal Filed by Claimant Satomi Kubo for a Automobile Damage Claim (CC032-21)
This memorandum and resolution request approval of the Board of Insurance Administration’s June 24, 2021, recommendation to deny the claim and appeal filed by Claimant Satomi Kubo. Satomi Kubo submitted a claim against the City to the Board of Insurance Administration in the amount of $15,500 for automobile damage. The Board of Insurance Administration denied the claim on the basis of governmental immunity. Claimant Satomi Kubo subsequently appealed the decision to the Board of Insurance Administration. After hearing Satomi Kubo appeal at its June 24, 2021 meeting, the Board of Insurance Administration recommended the denial of this appeal on the basis of governmental immunity.
Prepared by: Sarah Singleton, Risk Specialist
Reviewed by: Michael Pettigrew, City Treasurer
Jennifer Richards, Assistant City Attorney
Marti Praschan, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Tom Crawford, City Administrator
Whereas, Council must approve the Board of Insurance Administration’s recommendations for claims and appeals in excess of $10,000.00;
Whereas, The Board of Insurance Administration recommended the denial of the initial claim filed by Satomi Kubo for automobile damage in the amount of $15,500 on the basis of the City’s governmental immunity;
Whereas, Satomi Kubo appealed the Board of Insurance Administration ’s denial of her claim; and
Whereas, The Insurance Board recommended the denial of the appeal subsequently filed by Satomi Kubo on the basis of the City’s governmental immunity;
RESOLVED, That Council approve the Board of Insurance Administration’s denial of the claim and appeal of Satomi Kubo for automobile damage (CC032-21); and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.