Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Water Meters and Supplies from Mountain States Pipe and Supply Company ($1,450,000.00, ITB No. 4675)
Attached for approval is a resolution to authorize the purchase of water meters and supplies from Mountain States Pipe and Supply Co. in the amount not to exceed $1,450,000.00.
This resolution will authorize the purchase of meters needed to complete the Large Meter Replacement Project as outlined in the City's approved Capital Improvements Plan (CIP), as well as purchase other meter supplies and smaller meter inventory for operational needs. The large meter replacement project will replace meters and meter transmission units (MTUs) in commercial buildings and multifamily residential buildings throughout the City. The data communicated via the MTU provides usage data for the purposes of billing. The Large Meter Replacement Project is necessary due to likelihood of failure of the aging large meters and MTUs within the system, many of which are already exhibiting signs of decreased reliability and functionality. A meter failure will result in a loss or inaccurate water/sewer use data.
In response to Invitation to Bid No. 4675, one (1) bid was received on May 4, 2021.
Mountain States Pipe and Supply Company provided a qualified bid that met the City's bid specifications. The bid came in at $1,729,295.00, a summary of the bid is attached.
Total quantities needed were adjusted using current project information resulting in an award that is lower than the bid. Staff is recommending award of a purchase order to Mountain States Pipe and Supply Co. in the amount not to exceed $1,450,000.00.
Bid pricing is firm from May 4, 2021 through June 30, 2023 and may be extended by agreement of the parties for up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods subject to a 3% yearly increase in prices and subject to the annual appropriation of funds.
Mountain States Pipe and Supply Co. complies with the City's Non-Discrimina...
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