Resolution to Approve a Contract with Applied Handling, Inc. for ITB #4681 - New Garage Doors at Fire Station 1 ($67,464) (8 Votes Required)
We recommend your approval of the attached resolution authorizing a contract in the amount of $67,464 with Applied Handling, Inc., for seven new garage doors, openers, tracks, and related work for Fire Station 1. This project was originally bid under ITB #4666 in February 2021 but was re-bid to include the responsible contracting provisions.
A request for bids for the proposed garage door installation was solicited under ITB #4681, and three bids were received on May 11, 2021. Staff evaluated the bids and recommends that Applied Handling, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder, be awarded the contract.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The Fire Department has remaining funding within their approved FY21 budget for the project. It is expected for this work to be completed during the fall of 2021. We are asking that the funding for this project be moved into a multi-year project budget so that the funding may be utilized in FY22. Due to COVID-19 impacts, there is a delay on the manufacturing of the garage doors; therefore, this project will be unable to be completed by the end of FY21.
The resolution includes a recommended 10% project contingency of $6,746 to cover potential contract change orders to be approved by the City Administrator if necessary.
Applied Handling, Inc. complies with the requirements of the City's Living Wage and Non-Discrimination Ordinances.
Prepared by: Chantel Jackson, Office Manager - Fire
Reviewed by: Mike Kennedy, Fire Chief
Approved by: Tom Crawford, City Administrator
Whereas, Substantive parts of the garage doors at Fire Station 1 are over forty years old and the replacement of these garage doors is needed at this time.
Whereas, The Fire Department has funding in its FY21 budget to cover this project;
Whereas, Three bids for this work were opened on May 11, 20...
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