Resolution to Award a Contract in the Amount of $215,030.64 to P.K. Contracting, Inc. for the 2021 Healthy Streets Deployment (ITB No. 4678, Estimated Total Project Cost of $353,973.00)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval, please find a resolution to award a contract to P.K. Contracting, Inc. for the implementation of the calendar year 2021 Healthy Streets Program.
Proposed Program Overview: Upon authorization from City Council to proceed with design of Healthy Streets per R-21-024, staff worked with Hubbell, Roth and Clark (HRC) to develop engineering specifications to be included in an invitation to bid. These designs are included in Attachment A and are summarized as follows:
* Neighborhood Slow Streets - Similar to 2020, Neighborhood Slow Streets are proposed to be 'soft closures' which discourage cut-through traffic, slow down motorists, and alert motorists to the possible presence of increased bicycling and walking in the area. The deployment treatments will be similar to last year and will include barricades and signage at the segment endpoints. In response to suggestions received from the Transportation Commission and others, the program also includes signage and traffic control devices at the cross streets along a Neighborhood Slow Street.
The proposed program includes 34 neighborhood slow streets (26 of which were previously deployed in 2020). Additional streets were added from last year's deployment in response to the public comments received. Additionally, at the request of the Transportation Commission and some concerns raised from residents last year, parallel streets that might experience 'spill-over' traffic were also added to the program.
Lastly, the City plans to reinstate the opt out provision similar to last year. Signs announcing the Neighborhood Slow Street will be placed at least one week in advance of deployment. If 20% or more of neighbors living along the segment voice objection to the depl...
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