Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Doan Construction Co. (Bid No. 4677) for the 2021 Annual Sidewalk and Ramp Repair Project ($581,563.15)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a contract to Doan Construction Co. in the amount of $581,563.15 for the 2021 Annual Sidewalk Repair Program (Bid No. 4677).
The project will consist of replacing select sidewalk slabs in approximately 20% of the City in 2021, as part of the fifth year of a 5-year program to perform repair and maintenance on the City's sidewalk system. The project also includes the replacement of sidewalk curb ramps to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that are requested throughout the City. The attached map depicts the areas up for maintenance or repair in 2021.
The 2021 Annual Sidewalk Repair Project is created as a unit price contract with the understanding that the actual quantities used in construction will vary.
Project specifications were distributed electronically to contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. 1 bid was received and opened on April 27, 2021. The sole bidder was Doan Construction Co. with a bid of $581,563.15, which is approximately $81,717.15 higher (16.35%) than the Engineer's Estimate of $499,846.00.
Doan Construction Co. has successfully completed the repair work in the City of Ann Arbor for the past seven years and is able to meet the project requirements. The 2021 contract is structured to allow for two additional one-year renewals, if agreeable to both parties. The Contractor is required to hold their bid prices for this, and any subsequent, contract renewals.
Doan Construction Co. has submitted all required Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms and complies with the requirements of the City's Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage and Living Wage ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for the project is included in the app...
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