Resolution to Approve Outdoor Seating and Live Entertainment for Zal Gaz Grotto, 2070 West Stadium Boulevard, until December 31, 2021 as Special Event.
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to extend the approved outdoor seating and live entertainment for Zal Gaz Grotto at 2070 West Stadium Boulevard until December 31, 2021. Council approved a resolution for a special event and sales on September 29, 2020 until October 31, 2020 (Resolution R-20-375). The applicant seeks an extension until the end of this year.
Background - The Unified Development Code provides for Temporary Outdoor Sales in Section 5.16.6.K. Temporary Outdoor Sales are available in all mixed-use zoning districts (O, C1, C1A, C1B, C1A/R, D1, D2, C2B, C3) as accessory uses subject to five requirements. One requirement is that the temporary outdoor sales area may not exceed 10% of the business’s floor area.
The UDC also allows Special Event Sales to be designed by resolution of City Council on certain dates and locations (Section 5.16.7.C). Both the Art Fairs and the University of Michigan home football games are standing special event sales dates and locations.
The resolutions approving these Special Event Sales must include conditions and standards of conduct to be in force, but are open to what those conditions may be and what are the appropriate standards of conduct.
Usually, the Temporary Outdoor Sales size restriction is not a limitation for sale tables or display areas, or a picnic table or two. However, during this pandemic, it was a barrier for restaurants attempting to move half of their seating capacity outdoors. Zal Gaz Grotto is a 6,000-square foot business and would be restricted to 600 square feet of Temporary Outdoor Sales area. Further, the rear portion of the Zal Gaz Grotto site is zoned P (Parking) district. None of the allowable temporary outdoor seating, and no other uses except for parking, can be located in the P district.
Attachments: Resolution R-20-375
Prepared by: Alexis DiLeo, City Planner
Reviewed by: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, Zal Gaz Grotto is requesting to extend a Special Event Sales designation for outdoor seating during the COVID-19 pandemic through December 31, 2021;
Whereas, The outdoor seating area and live entertainment space is up to 100 feet by 120 feet, exceeding 10% of the indoor floor area and located in a P (Parking) district;
Whereas, City Council may designate Special Event Sales as provided in Section 5.16.7.C of the Unified Development Code for certain dates and locations; and
Whereas, The outdoor seating area and live entertainment will enable this local business to provide their usual services in a socially distance manner for the health and safety of employees and customers;
RESOLVED, That City Council approves a Special Event Sales at 2070 West Stadium Boulevard for outdoor seating and live entertainment at the rear of the site until December 31, 2021 as previously approved.