Resolution to Approve 614 South Ashley Site Plan (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a 289-square foot, second-story addition on the rear of the existing office building with three parking spaces located beneath the structure.
Petition Summary:
The Site Plan proposes to construct a 289-square foot, second-story addition on the rear of the existing office building with three parking spaces located beneath the structure. A shared driveway with the parcel to the south will access these spaces. One EV space is proposed.
Site Plan approval is required since the proposed single-family dwelling is on a parcel that is not zoned solely for residential purposes (per Section 5.29.6 (A) (1) Site Plans of Chapter 55 of the Unified Development Code).
The project was reviewed by the Historic District Commission and a certificate of appropriateness was issued in November 2020.
Various width variances from the required 15-foot wide conflicting land use buffers along the north, south and west property lines and a variance from all required landscaping and screening along the south property line due to the shared driveway were approved at the January ZBA Meeting (attached). Sections 5.20.4 (A)(3) and (B)(1)(2) & (3) requires conflicting land use buffers (CLUB) for parcels zoned O, RE, ORL, C or M abutting a public park or parcel principally used of zoned for residential purposes. The property is zoned C2B, Business Service District, and adjacent to residential uses.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 6, 2021, recommended approval of this request. This recommendation included resolution of two outstanding adjustments, which have now been addressed with the attached plan.
Attachments: 4/6/21 Planning Staff Report
4/6/21 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Chris Cheng, City Planner
Reviewed By: Brett D. Lenart, Planning Manager
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