Resolution to Approve Fiscal Year 2022 Fee Adjustments for Public Services Area - Engineering, Systems Planning, Public Works, Water Treatment, and Waste Water Treatment Units
Mayor and Council, for your consideration and approval are fee adjustments for Public Services Area - Engineering, Systems Planning, Public Works, Water Treatment, and Waste Water Treatment Units for the 2022 Fiscal Year. The anticipated increase in revenue resulting from the fee adjustments is important to balance expenditures and revenues in the proposed budget.
Each year in conjunction with the preparation of the budget, Service Areas/Service Units review license and fee revenues to determine if the cost of the services rendered are covered by the charges. When determining these costs, Service Units consider increases or decreases in expenses such as: labor, materials, equipment, contracted services, and overhead costs. The increases generally range from 1% to 10% for the purposes of full cost recovery. Decreases vary more widely due to efficiency improvements, equipment pricing fluctuations and lower wages in a newer workforce.
As listed by service unit and sub activity, the basis for fee adjustments are as follows:
1. Engineering Service Unit
a. License Agreements
i. Fee revisions are adjusted based on current hourly wages and to accurately reflect staff time.
b. Private Development - Civil Plan Review Fees
i. Fee revisions are adjusted for current wages and to reflect staff time spent on development. These fees seek full cost recovery.
c. Private Development - Construction Engineering, As-Building, and Inspection Fees
i. Fee revisions are adjusted for current wages and to reflect staff time spent on development. These fees seek full cost recovery.
ii. New fee for construction inspection cancellation after 3pm on prior work day is included to cover costs the City occurs when a contractor does not perform work requiring City staff as scheduled.
d. Annual Vis...
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