Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with OHM Advisors, Inc. for Pavement Condition Rating Services ($65,800.00)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to approve a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with OHM Advisors, Inc. (OHM) in the amount of $65,800.00 for pavement condition rating services.
The City of Ann Arbor sought professional services from a firm to perform pavement condition rating services for the City's paved street system and to develop statistical reports based on those ratings. The contract with the selected firm was intended to be a multi-year contract to perform pavement condition ratings every two years through 2025, beginning in the Fall of 2019.
The City posted a request for proposals (RFP) to the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN) BidNet(r) website. In January of 2019, the City received proposals from seven firms. A selection committee comprised of City staff reviewed the proposals and determined the most qualified firms based on several criteria:
* Professional Qualifications & Past Experience (60%)
* Proposed Work Approach (20%)
* Fee Proposal (20%)
The RFP selection process requires an initial evaluation, after which the fee proposals are only opened for the top proposals. The selection committee completed the initial scoring based on qualifications, past projects, and the proposed work plan. Based on the results, the selection committee determined that five of the seven firms were qualified, and fee proposals were opened from those firms. After opening fee proposals, staff elected to interview the three highest scoring firms to discuss their work plan, qualifications, and fee proposal in more detail.
Following the interviews, staff reviewed and rescored the proposals of the firms interviewed. The final rank of the five firms whose fee proposals were opened was as follows:
1. Hennessey Engineers
2. OHM Advisors
3. Spalding DeDecker
4. Wade Trim
5. Hubbel, Roth & C...
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