Resolution Directing the Planning Commission to Study and Update the South State Street Corridor Plan (adopted by City Council July 15, 2013) Including Examining the Feasibility to Accommodate a Future Transit Supported Development Zoning District
Whereas, A resolution was introduced by City Council on April 6th to direct the Planning Commission to create a Transit Supported Development District (Legistar File 20-0438);
Whereas, City Council voted to lay the resolution on the table because COVID-19 made it impractical for public engagement to be held at that time;
Whereas, Under Council Rule 16, the resolution is demised because it was not taken up again within 6 months;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor and its citizens have learned to use technology to permit meaningful virtual public engagement;
Whereas, There has been lack of definition and insufficient public engagement and dialogue on the topic of transit supported zoning districts, their cost, or effectiveness;
Whereas, The South State Street Corridor has been studied regarding transportation options with The South State Street Corridor Plan, adopted by City Council July 15, 2013, that includes corridor specific transportation recommendations and The South State Street Corridor Study (December 2017);
Whereas, The South State Street Corridor Plan suggests that the feasibility of transit improvements would be high;
Whereas, The South State Street Corridor Plan also states that with its concentration of high-activity uses, proximity to downtown, the University of Michigan south athletic campus, and the highway, South State Street is poised for future growth and redevelopment; and
Whereas, Further analysis of the South State Street Corridor should be conducted in order to determine the feasibility of signature/high-quality transit improvements per The South State Street Corridor Plan;
Whereas, an increase in residential density in this area could take advantage of the proximity to two ...
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