Resolution to Approve a Waiver of Late Penalty Charges for 2020 Tax Payments in Response to the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic
The crisis associated with the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic has resulted in extreme financial hardship for many businesses and difficult economic circumstances for many Ann Arbor residents. City Staff has researched actions that the Council can take to assist businesses and residents in navigating this crisis.
One such action is the waiver of the late penalty charge (interest) for tax payments. MCL Chapter 211 (General Property Tax Act) establishes the basis for taxation of real and personal property, as well as the due dates and penalties related to tax collection. MCL Chapter 117 (Home Rule City Act) establishes the authority to adjust some of these parameters by the adoption of a City Charter. The Charter of the City of Ann Arbor adjusts the statutory dates and interest rates in Section 9.21. As the Charter currently reads, Summer tax is due July 31 and Winter tax is due December 31. Interest accrues as follows (all amounts are non-compounding):
Summer Winter
August 1 1%
September 1 5%
January 1 6% 1%
February 1 7% 2%
A waiver of only the January 1 late penalty charge (1%) on Winter tax would result in a loss of approximately $18,000.00 to the City's General Fund.
A subsequent waiver of the February 1 late penalty charge (2%) on Winter tax would result in a loss of approximately $22,000.00 to the City's General Fund. This significantly reduces the penalty for those who cannot pay at that time.
For Summer collections, City Staff reached out to Ann Arbor Public Schools, Ann Arbor Area Transit Authority, Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown Development Authority, Washtenaw Community College, Washtenaw Intermediate School District, and Washtenaw County regarding this pot...
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