Resolution to Approve the First Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement between the City and Mead & Hunt Inc. for Work Related to the Environmental Assessment Study for the Safety Extension of Runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport ($109,516.88)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, dated December 3, 2018, between the City and Mead & Hunt Inc., Lansing, Michigan. The proposed amendment is in the amount of $109,516.88, bringing the total compensation under the agreement to $385,108.89, and covers additional engineering services related to the environmental assessment (EA) study for the safety extension of runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport.
The initial scope of work addressed revisions and updates that were required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in their 2017 comment letter and subsequently negotiated into the scope of work of the original Mead & Hunt agreement. Since that time, the FAA has required additional services including the completion of a Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Analysis and a significant change of scope to the runway justification study, an important component of the EA.
These changes have resulted in increased project costs to complete the work, as well as additional project time. It is important to complete the EA so the City and surrounding communities can have a documented assessment of the potential impacts of any runway changes which then allows for an informed decision on whether to consider the project or not. The FAA, MDOT-Aero and the City have invested considerable resources into the EA to make sure the final product is an accurate and complete assessment. The requested action in no way approves any construction or bidding to make any changes to the runway.
Mead & Hunt complies with the requirements of the City's Living Wage, Conflict of Interest and Non-Discrimination ordinances.
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