Resolution to Approve a Grant Contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for Work Related to the Environmental Assessment Study for the Safety Extension of Runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport ($109,517.00)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve a grant contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation-Office of Aeronautics (MDOT-Aero) in the amount of $109,517.00 for work related to the completion of the environmental assessment (EA) study for the safety extension of runway 6/24 at the airport. This grant will fund the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) study and the expanded runway justification work that is now being required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
In 2009, City Council authorized the undertaking of the EA to identify potential impacts that may be related to the extension of runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Airport. These proposed modifications were depicted on the Airport Layout Plan approved by Council in 2008. The EA process is a requirement of the FAA and MDOT-Aero which regulates aviation activities at the Ann Arbor Airport. This highly regulated process is dictated by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and includes a significant public input process.
The draft EA has been completed, two public hearings were held and comments received from the public, governmental agencies and the FAA. In 2017, the FAA provided a new set of comments that required an updated noise study, wildlife hazard assessment, an air quality study and wetlands assessment. After significant discussions with the FAA, a proposed scope of work was agreed on which requires the City to retain the services of an MDOT qualified consulting engineer to complete the work. The FAA has recently modified that scope of work to require a RPZ study and expanded the scope of the runway justification study which is a component of the EA.
It is important to complete the EA so the City and surrounding public can have a documented assessment of the potential impacts of any runway changes which then allows for an informed decision on whether to consider the project or not. The FAA, MDOT-Aero and the City have invested considerable resources into the EA to make sure the final product is an accurate and complete assessment. The requested action in no way approves any construction or bidding to make any changes to the runway.
The firm of Mead & Hunt was retained by the City to complete the finalization of the EA study. A contract amendment for the expanded scope of work, as required by the FAA, is also on this City Council agenda.
Budget Impact: The grant amount of $109,517.00 is comprised of $98,565.00 in federal funds, $5,476.00 in state funds and $5,476.00 in airport matching funds. Funding for the airport’s share of this grant is included in the approved FY21 Airport fund Operations and Maintenance budget. All funding (local, state and federal) for this project will come from fees paid by users of aviation industry services. The grant is administered by MDOT-Aero.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet & Facilities Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Assistant City Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, City Administrator
Whereas, The City has approved an Airport Layout Plan which depicts safety related modifications to runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport and desires to have an environmental assessment completed to determine the impacts of these proposed modifications;
Whereas, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Michigan Department of Transportation - Office of Aeronautics (MDOT-Aero) have approved grant funding and support for the completion of an environmental assessment for the safety extension of runway 6/24;
Whereas, MDOT-Aero will administer the grant, including making payments for services directly to the contractor or consultant(s); and
Whereas, The local matching funds ($5,476.00) for this grant agreement are available in the approved FY21 Airport Operations and Maintenance budget;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve grant contract number 2021-0062 with the Michigan Department of Transportation in the amount of $109,517.00 for work related to the environmental assessment study for the safety extension of runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to sign said agreements upon approval as to form by the City Attorney, and upon approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.