Resolution to Begin Filling Seats on the Council of the Commons
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Council approved Resolution R-20-397 on October 5, 2020, which among other things described the initial makeup of the Council of the Commons, and encouraged the City to accelerate the process of planning and organizing;
Whereas, Resolution R-20-397 calls for City Council to select and appoint “two City Council members appointed and approved by City Council resolution”; and
Whereas, Resolution R-20-397 also calls for various other appointments to be made by these City Council representatives, and affirmed by City Council, which involves an application and nomination process, therefore;
RESOLVED, The two City Council members selected to serve on the Council of the Commons shall be:
1. Councilmember Ramlawi
2. Councilmember Hayner
RESOLVED, The City Administrator is directed to add “The Council of the Commons” as an option on the application form for city boards and commissions, to allow for citizen-at-large position applications to be accepted;
RESOLVED, The City administrator is directed to publicize to all residents the opportunity to serve using any appropriate methods of public notice; and
RESOLVED, The applications for citizen-at-large positions will be accepted until Friday, December 11, 2020, with appointments for all remaining seats to be made on or before December 21, 2020.
Sponsored by: Councilmember Hayner and Bannister
As Amended and Approved by Ann Arbor City Council on October 19, 2020.