Resolution to Approve General Services Agreement with Access, Inc. for the Implementation of a Second Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) for the Shared City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County Data Center and Appropriate Associated Funds ($188,550.00) (8 Votes Required)
The City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County have shared the city data center since 2011 and are equally sharing the cost of the proposed upgrades in the amount of $94,275.00 each. The attached resolution seeks approval of City Council in the amount of $188,550.00 on behalf of the Information Technology Services Unit. This purchase will allow City of Ann Arbor to enter a General Services Agreement with Access, Inc. for the installation of a secondary uninterruptible power supply (UPS) into the primary data center.
The addition of the secondary UPS will help improve the availability of computing services that the Information Technology Services Unit can provide to City staff and residents. The data center currently has a single UPS, meaning that failure of this equipment can result in a loss of technology services. By adding the second UPS, in addition to the existing generator supplying power to the data center, the risk of power loss is further reduced, and now the two UPS can be serviced more safely.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The City of Ann Arbor will pay for the full cost of the equipment and services ($188,550.00) and will be reimbursed by Washtenaw County for half of the cost ($94,275.00) as the data center is collaboratively used by both agencies. The City's share was not budgeted in the FY2021 Information Technology Fund budget, therefore a use of fund balance in the amount of $94,275.00 is being requested.
Prepared by: Jennifer Grimes, Infrastructure and Cybersecurity Manager, ITSU
Reviewed by: Tom Shewchuk, IT Director, ITSU
Matthew V. Horning, Interim CFO & Financial Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
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