Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to Amerinet of Michigan, Inc. for Networking Equipment, Software and Related Services to Replace Legacy Equipment and Upgrade the City's Current Network to a Fabric Connected Network ($212,861.93)
This memorandum and resolution request approval of a purchase order to Amerinet of Michigan, Inc in the amount of $212,861.93 to purchase the required networking equipment, software and related services to replace legacy equipment and upgrade the City's current network to a fabric connected network.
We will replace a portion of the existing network that has been in service for roughly 9 years and is at the end of its useful life. Information Technology normally replaces network hardware on a 5 to 7-year renewal schedule.
In addition to remediating legacy network equipment, technology built into the new network hardware will provide additional state-of-the-art security against unwanted attacks, be easier to manage and administer, will provide redundancy, and will better accommodate the platform for future Smart City initiatives.
Included in the purchase is an upgrade to the Extreme Management Center software that is used to monitor, configure, and maintain all the Extreme Networks equipment used on the City's network. Also included with this purchase is the necessary licensing to upgrade the wireless network infrastructure that is approved and budgeted for in FY21 due to it being end of life.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Information Technology has included and budgeted for the cost of the purchase FY 2021.
Prepared by: David Harris, Network Manager
Reviewed by: Tom Shewchuk, IT Director
Reviewed by: Matthew Horning, Interim CFO and Financial Service Area Administrator
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, AmeriNet of Michigan, Inc. extends discounted pricing to the City of Ann Arbor through GSA Schedule IT 70 - GS-35F-0511T and currently holds the City's support a...
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