Resolution to Approve Amendment No 2 to the Recycling Plant Tours and School Recycling Education Contracts, with the Ecology Center ($8,022.25 and $106,859.00)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to approve a one-year contract extension with an optional one-year renewal of the following education-related contracts with the Ecology Center:
* Recycling Plant Tours at the Materials Recovery Facility Education Center - Currently operating as Saturday Recycling Craft and Chat events ($8,022.25) and
* School Recycling Education Contract with the Ecology Center ($106,859.00).
On July 15, 2013 City Council approved Resolution R-13-228, approving a five-year contract with the Ecology Center for Recycling Plant Tours at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Education Center to address educational needs and waste reduction throughout the City. Due to unsafe conditions and subsequent suspension of tours at the MRF, in 2017 the City modified and renamed the scope of services for the MRF tours to Saturday Craft and Chats focused on recycling and waste reduction education at public events. On July 16, 2018, City Council approved Resolution R-18-285 extending this contract for an additional two years until June 30, 2020.
On July 6, 2015 City Council approved Resolution R-15-232, approving a three-year contract with the Ecology Center for School Recycling Education to provide education on recycling, composting, zero waste, stormwater and waste reduction for Ann Arbor and Dexter (2nd Grade stormwater only) schools. On July 16, 2018 City Council approved Resolution R-18-284 extending this contract for an additional two years until June 30, 2020.
These Best Source contract renewals of the Saturday Craft and Chat and the School Recycling Education reflect City staff's consideration that the Ecology Center is a local entity uniquely equipped to perform the desired education objectives. City staff additionally consider that since the Sta...
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