Resolution to Authorize a Pilot Program for Business Occupancy of Curbside Parking Spaces
The DDA has proposed a pilot program to allow businesses to request the use of curbside parking spaces in public streets for additional business space. Given physical distancing needs due to the Covid-19 pandemic, additional space for outdoor dining, retail, customer queuing or pedestrian passage is desirable.
This pilot program for parking space occupancy would supplement the street closures authorized by R-20-194.
This resolution authorizes the City Administrator to establish a process for reviewing requests to occupy curbside parking spaces and to issue permits. It is valid through the end of October to correspond with MLCC outdoor service permits.
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, The necessity for physical distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic makes it desirable to allow businesses to use curbside parking spaces in public streets for additional spacing for outdoor dining, retail, customer queuing, or pedestrian passage;
RESOLVED, That, consistent with City Code 4:14(4), the City Administrator is authorized to establish procedures and conditions for receiving, reviewing, issuing, and revoking permits for temporary occupancy by businesses of curbside parking spaces in public streets in the City in connection with the sale of goods or services;
RESOLVED, That any occupancy by a business of a curbside parking space under this resolution shall remain subject to all other applicable permits and requirements; and
RESOLVED, That this resolution shall be effective through October of 2020.
Sponsored by: Mayor Taylor and Councilmembers Ramlawi and Lumm