Resolution to Appropriate $21,700.00 from General Fund to Fund Additional Tasks Associated with the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update Project and to Approve an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC ($373,370.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to appropriate $21,700 from the General Fund fund balance and to approve an amendment to the professional services agreement with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC.
This action is requested of City Council to fulfill one of the requirements of Resolution R-19-460
which states, "...the City Council directs the City Administrator to negotiate with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC to amend the existing contract to include an assessment of our pedestrian and cycling environment before December 31, 2019."
The scope is similar to what was presented to the Transportation Commission on November 20, 2019 and "Task 3" which was presented to City Council on January 21, 2020 . However, based on direction provided by City Council at their January 21st meeting, the scope has been modified to remove analysis of staff and instead focus the work on analysis of the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
The proposed scope of services from Sam Schwartz to provide an assessment of the City's pedestrian bicycling environment provides for the following tasks:
* Task 1 - Inventory of Current Facilities
* Task 2 - Documentation of Existing Resources
* Task 3 - Develop Report
* Task 4 - Commission Presentation
* Task 5 - Committee Meetings and Commission Presentation
* 146 Hour...
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