Resolution to Approve a Professional Service Agreement with DLZ Michigan, Inc.($173,757.57) and Establish a Project Budget for the 2020/2021 Bridge Inspection Program ($212,000.00)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a professional services agreement with DLZ Michigan, Inc. (DLZ) in the amount of $173,757.57 for the completion of the 2020/2021 Bridge Inspection Program. This resolution also establishes the project budget of $212,000.00 for this work.
This project includes the inspection and evaluation of thirteen City vehicular bridges on public roadways, the Fifth Avenue Parking Structure (the portion under South Fifth Avenue that is considered a bridge), and the University of Michigan's tunnel under Huron Parkway that is classified as a vehicular bridge. These inspections will occur over the course of the next two years.
The City is required by federal regulations (National Bridge Inspection Standards, sub-part ?650.303) to inspect our vehicular bridges on, or over, public roadways every two years and submit updated inspection forms to the Michigan Department of Transportation. About one-half of the City's bridges are inspected each year in order to normalize costs as much as possible.
The project also includes the inspection, evaluation, and load rating of ten bridges controlled by the Community Services Area - Parks Division. The bridges are the wooden bridge located in Scheffler Park; the two Bandemer Park structures located off of Barton Drive; the Island Park Pedestrian Bridge; and, six pedestrian bridges located in Gallup Park that are located on the pedestrian trail around the pond. These bridges are more precisely described within the professional services agreement to be approved. The estimated cost of this portion of the work is about $34,300.00. The Parks Bridges inspection is being performed at this time as these structures have either not been inspected, have not been inspected or l...
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