An Ordinance to Amend Sections 3:16 and 3:17 of Chapter 40 (Trees and Other Vegetation) of Title III of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor
The ordinance amendment amends section 3:16 by increasing the permissible height of vegetation on private property from 12 inches to 18 inches, with a cultivated bed or planned natural landscape being exempt from the height limitation. The ordinance amendment also adds vegetable or flower gardens, pollinator gardens, and rain garden as categories of vegetation to which the height limitation does not apply.
The ordinance amendment to section 3:17 is solely housekeeping. A 2015 amendment removed “lawn extension” from the first clause of the first sentence but did not consistently remove the term in other places. This is not a substantive change because the term “city right-of-way” includes the area referred to as the lawn extension.
Prepared by: Kristen D. Larcom, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Hayner and Bannister