Resolution No. 1 - Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Proposed Boardwalk Drive Sidewalk Gap Project - Special Assessment District #63
Approval of the attached resolution directs staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to fill the sidewalk gap along the east side of Boardwalk Drive from Oakbrook Drive to 2915 Boardwalk Drive as a special assessment project.
This sidewalk gap scored in the "High" category in the City's sidewalk gap prioritization system and is also located on a street that is scheduled for resurfacing in 2020. Staff is proposing to fill this sidewalk gap at this time in order to take advantage of the fact that the Annual Street Resurfacing program is working at that location this year, and the work could be performed through that construction contract.
As called for in Chapter 13 of City Code, the cost for the addition of new sidewalk where none currently exists is borne by the parcels that benefit from the improvements. At this location, the majority of the new sidewalk would be installed adjacent to the Boardwalk Commerce Park (2875 Boardwalk), with small portions adjacent to the Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS) Property to the north, and the commercial property to the south (2915 Boardwalk). AAPS would not be part of the special assessment district, rather the cost of the work adjacent to their property would be billed to them under a separate agreement.
The attached resolution directs staff to provide and share detailed cost estimates for this work and establish the composition of the special assessment district. Engineering design of this sidewalk is anticipated to be fairly simple and will likely be at least partially designed in the field during construction. If authorized to undertake this work, staff will reach out to affected property owners and stakeholders. Following those meetings, staff will return to Council with Resolutions 2 and 3, which define the individual costs to each parcel an...
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