An Ordinance to Add a New Chapter 122 (Historic Entertainment Sound District) to Title IX of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor
The attached ordinance amendment adds a chapter to the Ann Arbor Ordinances to create and regulate a Historic Entertainment Sound District. The district identified in the ordinance has historically been the location of entertainment venues but, in recent years, residential uses have developed. The ordinance amendment takes into account, whereas the City’s noise ordinance does not, that people residing in this area of the City must reasonably expect a greater likelihood of audible sounds from nearby locations than people residing in other districts. However, the ordinance amendment also recognizes that persons operating entertainment venues should do so in a manner that does not unduly disturb the residential occupants of nearby premises. The proposed amendment does not allow sound greater than what exists currently and what has been common in the area historically. It is only an attempt to bring the ordinance into conformance with what the reality of the district is. This is protective of both the business owners and users of the area as well as nearby residents. It eliminates possible ordinance violations of what is a historically acceptable sound level and it provides a more enforceable standard to the Police Department if there are noise complaints or if levels should rise in the future.
Prepared by: Kristen D. Larcom, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
(See Attached Ordinance)
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Ramlawi and Eaton