Resolution to Adopt the Washtenaw Housing Alliance's Affordable Housing Pledge
Whereas, In 2015, the City of Ann Arbor partnered with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Washtenaw County to produce the Housing Affordability and Economic Equity Report ("Report");
Whereas, The Report highlighted that housing in Ann Arbor has become unaffordable for 45% of households making $35,000-$49,999 a year, 87% of households making $20,000-$34,999, and 94% of households making under $20,000;
Whereas, Residents of Ann Arbor continue to feel the pressure from a lack of housing options with average rents increasing nearly 15% since 2015;
Whereas, The Washtenaw Housing Alliance (WHA) is a coalition of non-profit and government entities dedicated to ending homelessness in Washtenaw County;
Whereas, The WHA has been working with community members to develop the following pledge and is requesting individual community members, boards, and organizations adopt the pledge; and
Whereas, The beliefs outlined in the Washtenaw Housing Alliance's Affordable Housing Pledge align with the goals of the Ann Arbor City Council to address the substantive need for affordable housing in our city;
1. Housing is a human right.
Housing is the foundation for health and well-being, enabling people to live with dignity, quality of life, and with basic access to opportunity.
2. There is social, environmental, and economic value in establishing mixed income, highly diverse neighborhoods with increased density in urban areas.
Diverse, racially equitable, mixed income communities are stronger, richer, and more vibrant places to live and work.
3. The market will not reliably meet the needs for accessible, safe, and affordable housing for all in our community. Government has an essential role and responsibility in the preservation, acquisition, and development of affordable housing to help build an economically diverse, racially equitable community.
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