Resolution to Approve Amendment Number Two to the Agreement with Morris & McDaniel, Inc. for Fire Services Promotional Testing Services ($26,605.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and Morris & McDaniel, Inc. ("Amendment No. 2"). The original agreement was approved by City Council on September 6, 2016. Amendment Number One ($32,983.98) was approved by City Council July 16, 2018.
Amendment No. 2 will provide a total of 22 promotional tests for qualifying Fire Department members for the ranks of Battalion Chief, Captain, and Lieutenant. These 22 promotional assessments are in addition to the promotional assessments approved in the original agreement.
The original agreement was approved for $75,000, of which $55,939.81 was expended. Amendment Number One was approved for $32,983.98, of which $22,121.76 was spent. Amendment Number Two will allow testing of 22 qualifying Fire Department members, for a total of $26,605.00.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The remaining cost to be paid through the original agreement and related Amendment is $26,605.00 which will need to be appropriated from the City's General Fund Balance to the Fire Department Fund for FY20.
Prepared by: Lynda Rathburn, Office Manager
Reviewed by: Michael Kennedy, Fire Chief
Approved by: Howard Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City entered into an agreement with Morris & McDaniel, Inc. to administer Fire Services Promotional Testing, which was approved by City Council on September 6, 2016 ("Agreement");
Whereas, City Council approved Amendment Number One to the Agreement ($32,983.98) on July 16, 2018;
Whereas, The scope and total cost of the Agreement has necessarily changed to accommodate additional tests and the attached Amendment No. 2 is necessary;
Whereas, Funding for the attached Amendment No. 2 is available in the General Fund's Fund Balance...
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