Resolution to Develop a Plan to Expand Access to Voting and Registration Beyond the Minimum Required by the Michigan Constitution for Even-Year November General Elections
Reviewed by: Jacqueline Beaudry, City Clerk
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor is committed to ballot access for all its citizens;
Whereas, Extended voting hours and locations for voter registration and casting of absentee ballots can increase access, particularly for new Ann Arbor voters and people unable to accomplish these tasks during ordinary business hours; and
Whereas, Article II, Section 4 (f) and (g) of the Michigan Constitution establish the following rights: 1) Absentee balloting for all voters who choose to vote in that manner; 2) Voter registration any time before and during election day; 3) Voting immediately upon registration; and 4) Availability of at least eight hours during the Saturday or Sunday prior to an election during which time citizens may register and or vote;
RESOLVED, That the City Council requests that the Ann Arbor City Administrator develop a plan to expand voting and registration access beyond the minimum required by the Michigan Constitution and include the cost of this plan in the budget request for the Office of the City Clerk; and
RESOLVED, That for even-year November General Elections, the plan should include, at a minimum, a) 24 open-office service hours beyond both ordinary business hours and the constitutional eight-hour weekend requirement during which time citizens may register and vote, and b) registration and absentee balloting at a satellite location designed to improve access over exclusive reliance on the Office of the City Clerk in City Hall; and c) broad publicity for the extra hours for registration and voting.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Ackerman, Nelson, Griswold, Ramlawi, and Mayor Taylor
As Amended and Approved by Ann Arbor City Council on November 18, 2019