Resolution to Authorize a Sole Source Purchase Order to Gridsmart Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $43,452.00 for Traffic Signal Detection Devices
Please find attached for your consideration a resolution that authorizes a sole source purchase order to Gridsmart Technologies, Inc. for the purchase of non-intrusive vehicle detection devices. The devices are installed roadside, providing software defined detection zones to meet the need for actuated traffic signal operations.
Gridsmart's technology allows detection units to track vehicles in a 360-degree radius and provides data on the vehicles such as volume, turning movements, and length-based classification. These devices allow the City to modify vehicle detection zones via computer rather than physical relocation or adjustment of field devices. The devices can be used to monitor traffic patterns and make system adjustments as needed. The devices also allow for traffic signal operations at locations that have private drives and/or entrances without installing City equipment on private properties. Finally, the devices have the ability to detect bicycle traffic for traffic signal operation.
On November 9, 2017 via #R-17-410, City Council approved the purchase of Gridsmart Technologies non-intrusive detection for seven intersections throughout the City. The devices were installed and are providing valuable information for traffic operations including bicycle detection.
The requested purchase will be for a device to be installed at the intersection of Stone School and Eisenhower. Due to road resurfacing at the intersection, the detection needs to be replaced. Because bicycle lanes were added at this location, upgrading the detection to the Gridsmart technology allows traffic operations to manage all means of traffic at this intersection safely and efficiently. An additional device and components is being requested to be used as a spare system for repairs/replacement for locations c...
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