Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the Purchase of Replacement Body Worn Camera and Evidence Management System under the NPPGov Cooperative Contract #VH11629 for a Term of Five Years. ($372,885.72) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution requests approval to issue a purchase order to Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the purchase of new body worn cameras (BWC) and evidence management system. Our existing L3 BWC's have been failing at a high rate over the years prompting us to look for a replacement.
The Police Department and Information Technology evaluated solutions from Motorola, Watchguard, ProVision, and Axon. As a result, we recommend the Axon solution because the city already utilizes their Taser devices, Washtenaw County switched from L3 to the Axon BWC's Evidence Management System and have experienced very few issues and this will provide mutual aid for sharing, and Lansing and Grand Rapids employ Axon. In addition, Axon is the only solution that can provide features such as multiple automatic camera triggers on multiple cameras, easy link sharing system with the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, live view stream to a mobile phone, auto tagging so data can be exchanged with our CAD vendor CLEMIS, and immediate viewing of video on a mobile phone. The CAD integration will lead to a reduction in hours for our Records department to search evidence for FOIA requests.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The total cost of this project is $372,885.72 over five years. A total of $45,981.00 has been budgeted in the General Fund Police Department budget for the recurring software and storage costs in FY20. A total of $59,180.00 is needed for recurring software and storage costs in FY20. An additional $13,199.00 is requested from the General Fund fund balance to cover the additional cost of the of software and data storage. The initial cost to purchase the body cameras and the interview room equipment is $102,586.72. Of this...
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