Resolution to Authorize the Purchase of a Bobcat Toolcat Utility Work Machine from Clark Equipment Company dba Bobcat Company (MIDeal Bid - $67,403.56)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of one new Bobcat Toolcat 5600 with attachments at a cost of $67,403.56 through the MIDeal cooperative purchasing program (contract #071B7700088) for use by the Public Services Area, Public Works Unit.
The requested Toolcat is an addition to the Fleet and will be primarily used to support maintenance of the protected bike lanes being installed in the City. With physical barriers separating the bike lanes from the street, traditional maintenance equipment is too large to service these areas. A small, versatile piece of equipment is needed. The Toolcats will also be used to assist in path maintenance, cross lot maintenance and various street maintenance activities throughout the City. The City has had positive experience with the use of Toolcats for these small, less maneuverable areas.
The Toolcat is a utility machine that allows for the use of many different attachments to allow staff to efficiently complete their tasks. Under this resolution, the attachments being purchased with this unit includes the following: 1) a 68" angle broom, 2) a 68" standard dump bucket, 3) a 72" snow V-blade, and 4) a 66" snow blower. A rear mounted brine sprayer, not available through Bobcat, will be purchased separately for this unit as well.
Clark Equipment Company, the manufacturer of the Bobcat brand, was awarded contract number 071B7700088 by the State of Michigan MIDeal cooperative purchasing program for Agriculture, Grounds & Maintenance equipment. The City's purchasing unit has reviewed the MIDeal cooperative purchasing program and found that it meets the requirements of the City of Ann Arbor for competitive and fair purchasing.
The Bobcat Company complies with the requirements of the City's conflict of interest and non-discrimination ordinances.
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