Resolution to Approve an Agreement between the City of Ann Arbor, Pittsfield Charter Township, and the Washtenaw County Road Commission for the Swift Run Drain Culvert Replacement Project (Estimated $53,750.00)
Please find attached for your consideration an agreement that articulates a cost-sharing agreement for maintenance in the Swift Run Drain. The Swift Run Drain is a county drained established pursuant to Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956 as amended, which is under the jurisdiction of the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner's Office. Under existing drain code the governmental bodies that are in the district are assessed costs for maintenance.
A culvert located on the E. Huron River Drive Access Road located within the Swift Run Drainage District is in need of replacement. Washtenaw County Resources will be responsible for performing or contracting for the project consistent with best management practices including soil erosion and sedimentation control. The estimated cost of the culvert replacement is $215,000.00. The City's share of the project per the agreement is 25% of the total project costs, or approximately $53,750.00.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Based on the projects initial estimates, the City's share of the culvert replacement is estimated to be $53,750.00 and is available in the approved Stormwater Fund Capital Budget.
Prepared by: Marti Praschan, Public Services Area Chief of Staff
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The Swift Run Drain is a country drain established pursuant to Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956 as amended;
Whereas, Under existing drain code the governmental bodies that are in the district are assessed costs for maintenance;
Whereas, The culvert on the E. Huron River Drive Access Road in the Swift Run Drain Drainage district is in need of replacement; and
Whereas, Sufficient funds are a...
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