Resolution Authorizing Summary Publication of Ordinance No. ORD-19-28 - An Ordinance to Amend Section 5.17.4 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Mixed Use Zoning Dimensions)
The attached resolution authorizes the summary publication of Ordinance No. ORD-19-28. The City Charter allows summary publication of ordinances that are in excess of 500 words in length. Approval of this resolution will reduce the cost of publishing this 552 word ordinance in the notice.
Prepared by: Alexis DiLeo, City Planner
Reviewed by: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
RESOLVED, That the publication of Ordinance No. ORD-19-28 shall be made by the following summary:
Ordinance No. ORD-19-28 amends Section 5.17.4 (Table 5:17-4), of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann. The amendment corrects the maximum front required setback in the C3 district to 25 feet, adds missing footnote references for maximum front required setback in the C1, C1B, and C2B districts, removes redundant footnote references, and moves some standards from footnotes to the table body.
The effective date of the Ordinance is 10 days after publication.
The Ordinance will be available in the Office of the City Clerk (301 E. Huron, Ann Arbor, Michigan) starting on __________.