Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Survey Equipment from Leica Geosystems, Inc. (State of Michigan MiDeal Contract 171180000000005, $54,423.55)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to authorize the purchase of survey equipment from Leica Geosystems, Inc. (Leica) for the City's Engineering Unit.
As the first part (fiscal year 2020) of a two year plan to update the City's surveying equipment, the Engineering Unit plans to purchase three new data collectors to replace three old collectors. The new collectors will allow uploading of complete construction plan files to speed up survey production and reduce errors. This purchase also includes a new Total Station, which will have better optics and a blue tooth connection to increase efficiency and speed of topographic survey data collection.
The current survey equipment owned by the City is produced by Leica, and in order for the new equipment to work properly with the existing equipment, and so that training of employees on multiple systems will not be necessary, staff recommends approval of this purchase from Leica. Competitive pricing for survey equipment is available via the State of Michigan MiDeal program.
Leica is in compliance with the requirements of the City's Non-Discrimination ordinance.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are available in the approved FY20 Engineering project Management Fund Operations budget.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, This purchase is part of a two year plan to upgrade the City's survey equipment to keep up with the latest technology and accurately and efficiently provide surveying services to the City;
Whereas, Leica Geosystems, Inc. is under contract with the State of Michigan MiDeal program for survey grade equipment;
Whereas, The current survey equipment owned by the...
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