Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with SDS Global Enterprises, Inc. for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan Services ($161,000.00)
The resolution before you requests approval of a contract with SDS Global Enterprises, Inc. for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) plan services. The City's DEI plan is intended to provide guidance to improve the city's recruitment and retention of a more diverse workforce, to ensure that our hiring practices and administrative policies reflect a commitment to equity, and to recommend policies that promote an inclusive workplace where all feel welcome. The DEI plan will also provide guidance to ensure that the City facilities are inclusive and services provided to the citizens are inclusive and equitable.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: $64,000.00 for the first year of this project is budgeted and available in the FY20 General Fund Non-Departmental Citywide Training Budget and HR Budget; the remaining $97,000 is planned to be budgeted in the FY21 General Fund Non-Departmental Citywide Training Budget.
A Request for Proposal (RFP #18-34) was issued in September 2018. Seven responses were received from the following companies:
* Amy Cell, LLC
* Global Bridgebuilders
* JER HR Group
* Franklin Covey
* MGT Consulting Group
* SDS Global Enterprises, Inc.
* Total Employee Sourcing, LLC
The RFP review committee determined that SDS Global Enterprises, Inc. was most qualified to assist in development of the City's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plan. The proposed agreement includes the fee structure for services, which total $64,000 for FY2020, and $97,000.00 for FY2021, over the two-year agreement.
SDS Global Enterprises, Inc. complies with the requirements of the City's non-discrimination and living wage ordinances.
Prepared By: Sharie Sell, HR Service Partner/Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Reviewed By: John Fournier, Assistant City Administrator/Interim HR Director
Approved By...
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