Resolution to Approve Revised Park Advisory Commission
Attached is a revised version of the Park Advisory Commission
Bylaws that PAC wishes to formally adopt pending Council review and approval. PAC had discussions with Senior Assistant City Attorney Kevin McDonald about the changes that they wished to see and the changes he recommended. The attached draft is the product of those discussions and reflects significant and valuable input from the Assistant City Attorney and is satisfactory to PAC. Also attached is PaC’s Resolution Recommending Approval of Revised
One of PAC’s goals in revisiting their
bylaws was to create a more formalized structure for fulfilling PAC’s responsibility to make recommendations regarding the annual operating budget, the annual capital improvement budget, special millages for capital improvements and acquisitions, and the disposition of millage revenues.
PAC currently has an active Budget Committee and this has often, but not always, been the case. Given the importance of PAC’s role in providing recommendations regarding the Parks system budget and expenditures, one of the substantive changes in these
bylaws is to specify that the Budget and Finance Committee is a standing committee with the responsibility to advise PAC on financial matters arising as part of the work delegated to it by City Council. The Chair of PAC shall nominate the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee who shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of PAC. Instituting a standing Budget and Finance Committee will ensure more consistent attention to this important PAC role and facilitate communications between staff and the rest of PAC on the important and often complex aspects of the Parks system budget and financial accounting systems.
Another substantive change is the addition of a new article on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest written by the Assistant City Attorney and welcomed by PAC. The remaining changes are minor...
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