Resolution Authorizing Sanitary Sewer Capital Recovery Charges for 2 Maple Village Ct. ($5,982.00)
Your approval is requested to levy sanitary sewer capital recovery charges totaling $5,982.00 on the property known as 2 Maple Village Ct. This parcel was annexed prior to 2004.
City of Ann Arbor Code section 1:278, Chapter 12, requires the property owner to pay the property's share of the existing utilities through the City Capital Recovery charge. The $5,982.00 Sanitary Sewer Capital Recovery Charge is to be levied and then made payable in 5 annual installments and will accrue interest at 3.06468% per annum on the unpaid balance.
The sanitary sewer main was constructed as part of a private development project in 2016.
It is therefore recommended that Council levy this capital recovery charge according to the terms described above.
Prepared by: Michael J. Pettigrew, Interim City Treasurer
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, This parcel is a part of private development project that constructed its own sanitary sewer main in 2016 located in N. Maple Road, which is a part of the City's Sanitary Sewer System;
Whereas, The owner of the real property commonly referred to as 2 Maple Village Ct. (which has a Parcel ID No. 09-08-24-107-015) connected to that Sanitary Sewer Main on or about April 21, 2016;
Whereas, Pursuant to Chapter 28 (Section 2:42.4) of the City Code, a property that newly connects to the City's Sanitary Sewer System is required to pay a Sanitary Sewer Capital Recovery Charge in accordance with the Code;
Whereas, The net (and total) Sanitary Sewer Capital Recovery Charge for such connection, calculated as set forth per Section 2.42.4(3) of Chapter 28 of City Code, is
$5,982.00; and
Whereas, Pursuant to Section 1:278, Chapter 12, of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor, the fair share of the cost of said capital is lev...
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