Resolution to Authorize Special Event Provisions and to Approve Street Closings for the Relevent Sports International Champions Cup Soccer Game on August 10, 2019
Attached for your consideration is a resolution authorizing limitations on solicitor/peddler permits and sidewalk occupancy permits, allowing outdoor sales and the parking of motor vehicles in the front open space of private properties in the vicinity of Michigan Stadium and authorization for street closures for the International Champions Cup Soccer Game.
Relevent Sports, the applicant, has contracted with the University of Michigan for use of Michigan Stadium for the International Champions Cup Soccer Game. The City has been working with the applicant and University staff to coordinate security and logistics for this event. City staff anticipates that this event will be similar to a University of Michigan football game, and recommends that Council apply relevant City Code provisions for vending and parking to ensure a safe and well-ordered event.
Chapter 47 (Streets) and Chapter 79 (Solicitors and Peddlers) allow Council to determine by resolution that on certain dates congestion in a part of the City will be too great to permit peddling and soliciting and sidewalk occupancy. Approval of this resolution will make invalid any current peddler/solicitor and sidewalk occupancy permits for the Michigan Stadium area on that day and direct staff to not issue any new permits for this area as shown on the attached map.
City staff anticipates that temporary outdoor sales and parking of motor vehicles in the front open space of nearby properties will be desired by the community during this event. Chapter 55 (Zoning) allows for City Council, by resolution, to designate special event temporary outdoor sales areas, with appropriate conditions and standards. Chapter 59 (Off-Street Parking) allows for the prohibition on front open spaces parking to not apply on special event dates designat...
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