Resolution to Approve an Agreement with Allied Building Service Company of Detroit, Inc. not to exceed $51,590 for Construction of Evidence Room at Fire Station #6, 1881 Briarwood Circle, Per MiDEAL Contract # 00641 (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your approval is a resolution authorizing an agreement with Allied Building Service Company of Detroit, Inc., not to exceed $51,590, for the construction of an evidence room at Fire Station #6, 1881 Briarwood Circle.
Fire investigation evidence has customarily been stored at Fire Station #2 in secured lockers. The Fire Station Master Planning process determined that, with an appropriate internal build out, Station #6 would be the best location for a permanent evidence room to meet current and future storage requirements.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funds for this project are not available in the current or future Fire Department budget. It is requested that the $51,590 cost of construction be appropriated from the General Fund.
Prepared by: Lynda Rathburn, Management Assistant
Reviewed by: Michael Kennedy, Fire Chief
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, AAFD, in collaboration with AAPD, determined a need for a secure fire investigation evidence room in Station #6; and
Whereas, Allied Building Service Company of Detroit, Inc. provided a quote of $51,590.00 under the MiDEAL Contract #00641 for the work;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve an agreement with Allied Building Service Company of Detroit, Inc. for construction of an evidence room at Fire Station #6, 1881 Briarwood Circle not to exceed $51,590.00;
RESOLVED, That City Council appropriate $51,590.00 from the General Fund to the Fire Department budget without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said agreement, after approval as to form by the City Attorney, and approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That City Council authorize the City Administrator to take the appropriate administrative actions to implement this resolution.