Resolution Adopting the City of Ann Arbor Brownfield Policy
The City of Ann Arbor has been a member of the Washtenaw County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority since 2002. The City has completed 8 brownfield projects with several others currently under construction. In recent years, the City has put an emphasis on more clearly defining community benefits in exchange for supporting non-environmental brownfield eligible activities, such as affordable housing and public infrastructure.
The adopted 2015 Affordable Housing Study recommends the City adopt a Brownfield Policy that can be leveraged to achieve affordable housing goals.
Historically, the City has strongly supported use of Tax Increment Financing for Environmental Eligible Activities, recognizing the threat to human health and the environment. However, the use of TIF for Non-Environmental Activities has increasingly been scrutinized, as there have not been set priorities for use. With the economy improving and the Ann Arbor market growing in strength, a clearly articulated policy for use of Brownfield TIF would provide clarity for developers and consistency for staff to implement the Council's goals for public benefit in regard to use of Brownfield TIF. Previous examples have been community infrastructure and affordable housing.
The attached draft policy has been developed by City and County OCED staff, with input from City Finance, City Attorney's office, and the Ann Arbor Housing Commission. It provides for specific guidance to the City and developers for approving Brownfield Plans, Environmental vs. Non-Environmental activities, when public infrastructure might be financed, and a specific emphasis on using Brownfield Plans to advance identified community goals.
The draft policy was presented to the Brownfield Review Committee (BRC) on February 11, 2019, including Councilmembers Eaton, Smith, Griswold, and Hayner. The BRC recommended several revisions to the policy, and that it b...
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